Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Professional Spa Treatments-Scar Treatments-Acne Breakouts-Dermatologist

Acne scarring – the latest

You guys have been asking, so here’s what I found to be the most interesting new information on scars and scar treatments: Subcision plus suction.  Subcision is where a needle is placed sideways underneath a depressed scar and moved around, thereby disconnecting the scar from the skin below and allowing it to float up to [...] read more..

Dermatologist’s DIY Home Facial

Are you in the mood for a spa escape but can’t manage the time or expense right now? There is something you can do. Knowing the key steps in professional spa treatments can help you get great spa-like results at home. As a dermatologist, I know why spa treatments work.  This is the second part [...]Dermatologist’s DIY Home Facial is a post from: Dr. Bailey's Skin Care Blog read more..

Baby Pimples

Typically, we think of pimples as something that is reserved for adults and young adults. Teen acne is the most well known of course, but adult acne is quickly creeping its way into being a large skin concern for grown adults who thought their days of acne breakouts were over.  Pimples are not something that [...] read more..

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